Dark Mountain Music


Learn to sing with Dark Mountain Music’s private singing lessons in Edmonton. Choose your preferred lesson length, location, and availability. Lets unleash your hidden voice on an adventure that’s tailored just for you!

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what to expect


We focus on YOUR goals. Our team of professional singing teachers will ensure that you’re hitting them in no time!


Choose your location: at home, an instructor’s home studio near you in Edmonton, or learn to sing online! No more rush hour commutes to the music studio.

Safe & Qualified Instructors

Rest easy. Your vocal coach has passed a thorough background check and hold a music degree, diploma, or RCM education.

No Contracts or Agreements

We get it, things change! That’s why we have no long term or semester agreements. Take your singing lessons as long as you’d like!

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Private Singing Lessons

Trusted by 100+ families and aspiring musicians in Edmonton


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Discounts available for multiple students in the same home and lessons beyond 60-minutes! One-time registration fee of $49 per family, only due upon the second lesson.


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Discounts available for multiple students in the same home and lessons beyond 60-minutes! One-time registration fee of $49 per family, only due upon the second lesson.


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Discounts available for multiple students in the same home and lessons beyond 60-minutes! One-time registration fee of $49 per family, only due upon the second lesson.


How soon can I expect to see improvement in my voice?

Getting better at singing is like planting seeds in a garden or starting a new workout routine. It takes dedication, perseverance, and hard work to truly witness some significant transformations. Your progress solely depends on how consistently you practice and how well you take care of your voice.

Simply put, singing gets better with time. You’ll see improvements at first, but the real magic comes with practice over time. Trust the process, celebrate the small wins, and enjoy the journey!

Can anyone learn to sing?

Yes! Anyone can learn to sing! Regular practice and training can improve your voice. It works just like any other skill. Even if you don’t think you have much natural talent.

If you believe you can’t sing, do not let that stop you from pursuing your passion! You’ll be pleasantly surprised with how much you can improve with the proper instruction and dedication.

What age is ideal to start voice lessons?

Children typically have more control over their voice and are more self aware of their technique between the ages of 8 and 12. For those reasons, this is considered the best time to start vocal training. However, it’s never too early or late to start.

Anyone, no matter their age, can improve their voice with the right amount of dedication and guidance. Teens, adults, and seniors can all benefit from taking lessons. The students enthusiasm and commitment matter more than their age!

Can I choose the songs I want to sing, or will my instructor provide recommendations?

Absolutely! You have the freedom to choose the songs you want to sing during your lessons. Adding material that you love can make your performances more fun, engaging, and outright awesome. This way, you can deeply connect with your material.

Your teacher can also give you advice based on your current abilities, musical tastes, and vocal range. Your teacher’s advice and lesson plans will always be personalized to help you grow into the singer you want to become.

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Life is stressful and singing can help you get those feelings out! You can express emotions that are hard to put into words. Why not discover a new, personal way, to share and express your feelings.

Vocal Training Classes
Singing Lessons Edmonton


Learning to sing is a long, dedicated journey of continuous improvement. There will always be room to refine your skills, explore new genres, and take on new challenges, making it a lifelong and fulfilling pursuit.


Singing is a social adventure. Joining voices with others in choirs, jam sessions, or open mics, not only creates beautiful music but also creates connection, turning singing into a shared experience.

girl singing
Singing Lessons Edmonton


Tuning up your voice can totally amp up your confidence game, not only in music but in everything else too! Imagine how you would carry yourself knowing you have the voice of your dreams!

Contact us

Ready to kickstart your musical journey? Contact us now for the best singing lessons Edmonton has to offer. Our roster of top-notch music teachers are here for you.

Interested in learning how to belt your favourite pop songs? Need to prepare for classical singing exams like the Royal Conservatory of Music? We’ve got you covered!
